Vegetables , papers , waste food , plastics and similar items should not be thrown in open drains , but placed inside paper bags and disposed off in bins kept in the streets by the local bodies for this purpose . सब्जियों , कागज बेकार भोजन , प्लास्टिक तथा ऐसी अन्य वस्तुओं को खुले नालों में नहीं फेंकना चाहिए , बल्कि उन्हें कागज के थैलों में रखकर स्थानीय निकायों द्वारा कूडऋआ फेंकने के लिए गलियों में रखे गये कूडऋआदानों में फेंकना चाहिए .
a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer''s purchases Synonyms: sack, poke, carrier bag,
How to say paper bag in Hindi and what is the meaning of paper bag in Hindi? paper bag Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by